The Källnääs building is the home of our Crafts & Building Conservation centre, an enterprise run by Västarvet - Västra Götalandsregionen, the regional resource managing West Sweden’s natural and cultural heritage. Källnääs houses the Building Conservation shop, which supplies traditional and ecological building and home improvement materials. Exhibitions are held here and there’s a library, specialising in building conservation.

A great variety of art and craft courses are arranged by the Crafts & Building Conservation centre, in conjunction with the SV Adult Education Centre in Lerum, every year.

The Mellannääs building is where you’ll find our Craft Gallery/shop & café. Every year the gallery shows several exhibitions of top quality craft work. 

The former barn houses the stables and riding school.

Now and again the old bakehouse at Vänhem is used by the Skallsjö-Nääs Craft Group for baking.

For more information about these other organisations’ activities please visit their respective websites. A full list can be found if you click on the ‘Around Nääs’ link to the right.