A huge variety of courses are arranged at Nääs every year. Follow the link to the complete list and details of how to enrol.

In 1875 August Abrahamson and his nephew Otto Salomon started a School of Crafts at Nääs. The school trained teachers from all over the world in traditional crafts and trades, and was referred to as ‘Sweden’s window to the world’. The Nääs school’s special educational method made sure all students who trained there gained a solid grounding in knowledge and theory of crafts as well as learning practical skills. The Nääs school became an extremely successful and well attended centre for traditional crafts and trades, where at one time nineteen different nationalities took part in one of the courses. To start with most of the courses were in woodcraft, followed later by other courses in traditional song and dance, and gardening. By the end of the 1800s 40% of course participants at Nääs were female.
Nowadays the school is more active than ever, offering lots of courses in crafts, building conservation, arts and traditional culture. The courses at Nääs are organised in conjunction with the West Swedish Heritage organisation Västarvet (Craft & Building Conservation), which is administrated by Region Västra Götaland, and the SV Adult Education College in Lerum.
If you have any questions about the school please contact Gunilla Hallset.